10 January 2012

T'other night, biking home

Have done a fair bit of biking in the wetter, cooler weather, and don't mind the coolth. Anybody who might be riding on my shoulder at night would laugh at me, particularly when I am going down Emu Hill. I do NOT want to have a close encounter of the four-footed or winged kind. To prevent this, I engage in a long monologue, "Okay, coyotes, raccoons, oppossums, aplodontia, nutria, weasels, wolverines, deer, owls, could you all please just stay behind a tree, just until I get past you." Well, the other night I did this, got down the hill, and across the street, and THEN, behind me, the coyotes started up. They had to have been watching me, possibly laughing at me, as I came down the hill. I thanked them for staying out of my way, and we all continued on.

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