23 January 2012


No work all last week, due to snow. Monday through Wednesday ok. Did some housekeeping, worked on a cover letter, guided D in baking. Thursday, woke up, said rude things, and told D, "Go back to sleep. No power." As we are on a rather small power loop (489 customers), and we are not between substations and anything major, we are NOT high on the priority repair list. Friday, went out to get livestock food, sterno, charge phone, sponge bath. Friday eve, ushered at Washington Center. National Geographic special, by the first woman, with children, to be a photographer for National Geographic Society. Very cool treat! Then, going home, flat tire. Least said, the best. Got to go to work on Saturday. Also, friend texted to say, "Hot water available for shower." And a studio family gave me a coleman stove, with several small tanks! Sunday. Hot coffee! Hot beef stew! Clean dishes! Whoo-hoo, the simple joys of life. Went out in early afternoon to do laundry at J.'s, and saw crews removing tree from the power line on our road. Hopeful! Going home in the evening, we are both chanting power mantras, to no avail. No blinking red light at intersection. No power. Have a lovely hot meal, and crawl into bed, because it is warm, there. The power comes on! Joy! Hurrah! Run and turn off anything that had been left on, that we didn't need on! Reset the clocks! More rude words as the power goes back off again. (droop). Burrow back into bed. Power back on a bit later! Ignore it, as a false temptation. It goes back off again. Sometime later, while asleep, it comes back on. Crack an eyelid. I refuse to get up yet. Go back to sleep. Ah-ha! it is time to get up, it is light out, and we still have power! Jubilation! And through it all, my daughter keeps nattering about missing snow, and wanting to move back here!

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