27 January 2012


Pride in my daughter, who got an awesome job last fall, with the costume department at D_____ Resorts in Florida. Then, worry, as she was working more with performers who are treated as expendable, as for D_____, they are. She figures out how to ask her boss, politely, if that is company policy. Her boss says yes. H grieves, stews, and helps be supportive of one performer on her own. A bit later, boss asks H what disturbed her about the situation. H details how destructive the methods used are, of self-confidence. Boss say oh, hadn't realized how rough it could be on people, see about fixing it. Comes back to tell H that higher-ups not concerned. H gives notice. Now working at a sandwich shop in Naples, Florida. H is feeling very guilty that she has taken her daughter so many miles from grandparents, feeling like a failure. She is too far from all her support networks. And I can't help her, I can't hug her, nothing.


  1. Au contraire! H is not a failure at all, but a success as a human being for having compassion for those treated like replaceable machine parts, and not wanting to be affiliated with a company that has such practices. In fact, congratulations are in order to H for her backbone and spirit, and to you for raising such a daughter.

  2. Thank-you. She is proving to have taken in so many of the precepts I tried to give her, and lives them.

  3. sigh.... hindsight 20/20. yet i still saw through but couldnt change the fact of the plan H set in motion... even though i knew was false pretenses. that no one else would hear believe or think about then.

    1. still love n support all but.... things when remembered hurt.
