25 June 2012

Leaving D on his own

So, I am dog sitting for a week. I run home this evening, to drop off rabbit food with D, as he cannot transport that by bicycle. I am doing a quick round of check everything, when someone knocks at the front door. I go answer it, and this man starts yelling at me that my dog has kept them from sleeping for multiple nights, and I better shut that dog up or else. I am trying to say that I haven't even been there to know what has been happening, and I'm trying to ask D if he left P outside at night. The man keeps yelling that he doesn't care where I've been, just shut that dog up, or else. Now, this is the household that shot my peacock, and deliberately ran over one of my cats. All this man wants to do is yell at me and threaten my dog. So, yes, I am worried. After he storms off, I ask D if P was outside, and for how many nights. He is pretty sure she was out for the last two nights, and has no idea why he put her out for the night. I tried that several years ago, in an effort to keep off some of the predators who eat my chickens. I found then that she barked all night, and so I stopped after less than a week. So now, I worry about my beautiful girl, who KNOWS that her job is to protect our property, and tells me when the dog that belongs to the same neighbor is on my property. Which has happened twice in the last month.

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