06 October 2017

Hurrah, hurrah!

Today, I went to avail myself of the Teen Tech Tutors that the library provides. I had a list THIS LONG of issues that I want to resolve, to more easily use my various bits of technology. I currently do NOT have access to a teenager of my own, to help me out. My previous friend/buddy/tech support has gone off to college. In computers, of course.

So I was shown many things about my cell phone. How to move things to my SD card, to open up general space. It was suggested that I download & install a mobile version of blogger, to be able to add new posts easily. I learned a few techniques to conserve power. I learned why I loose half finished FB posts & sometimes can't ever find them again after a phone call interrupts me. A VERY good start. I also didn't even go near the free cookies. Thank you, tutor, you were awesome! I will go back.

10 February 2017

Incremental Progress

Well, am reminding myself, as others keep telling me, that a little bit of progress is still progress. Last summer, I dog sat for a long time crew of four-footed friends. Followed M around, over a large territory, to inspect and scoop her droppings. Re-ingesting medications she is on would be VERY BAD, indeed. I was VERY worried about being able to keep up with her this time. I had decided that if I had as much trouble this time, as I did last summer, I would have to ask her family if there was anybody else able to dog sit in the future, as I don't want to jeopardize her health. I am doing better! I was able to keep up with her much somewhat more easily. Very pleased, as she (and her pack) have been an intermittent part of my life for many years.